Is it der, die or das Badetuch?

The correct article in German of Badetuch is das. So it is das Badetuch! (nominative case)
The word Badetuch is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Badetuch?
How does the declension of Badetuch work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Badetuch | die Badetücher |
Genitive | des Badetuches des Badetuchs | der Badetücher |
Dative | dem Badetuch dem Badetuche | den Badetüchern |
Akkusative | das Badetuch | die Badetücher |
What is the meaning of Badetuch in German?
Badetuch is defined as:
[1] Large cloth that you use when bathing
[1] großes Tuch, das man beim Baden benutztHow to use Badetuch in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Badetuch with translations in English.
[1] „Evelyn Mistrals Haar war wirr vom Frottieren, als sie mit dem Badetuch um die Schultern die Halle betrat.“[1]
[1] "Evelyn Mistral Hair was tangled from terry when she entered the hall with the bath towel around her shoulders" [1][1] „Im Bruchteil einer Sekunde bedecke ich mich mit meinem Badetuch und schüttele ihm die Hand.“[2]
[1] "In the fraction of a second, I cover myself with my bath towel and shake his hand" [2][1] „Er hat sie in ein großes, weiches Badetuch gewickelt und zum Bett hinübergetragen.“[3]
[1] "He wrapped it in a large, soft bath towel and carried them over to the bed" [3][1] „Zwei technobunte Badetücher lagen ein paar Meter weiter.“[4]
[1] "Two technobunt bath towels were a few meters ahead" [4]