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Is it der, die or das Badehose?



The correct article in German of Badehose is die. So it is die Badehose! (nominative case)

The word Badehose is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Badehose?

How does the declension of Badehose work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Badehose die Badehosen
Genitive der Badehose der Badehosen
Dative der Badehose den Badehosen
Akkusative die Badehose die Badehosen

What is the meaning of Badehose in German?

Badehose is defined as:

[1] Garment, which is attracted to swim or to sunbathe over the abdomen

[1] Kleidungsstück, das zum Schwimmen oder um sich zu sonnen über den Unterleib angezogen wird

How to use Badehose in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Badehose with translations in English.

[1] Vergiss die Badehose nicht!

[1] Do not forget the swimming trunks

[1] „Sie kramte ihren Bikini aus einem Koffer und seine Badehose - es war so warm.“[1]

[1] "She rummaged her bikini from a suitcase and his swimming trunks - it was so warm at" [1]

[1] „Meine Badehose mochte ich nicht anziehen, weil sie zu lang war.“[2]

[1] "I did not like my swimming trunks because they were too long at" [2]

[1] „Nach einer Raucherpause packten Nikolai und die Jugendlichen ihre Badehosen aus dem Kofferraum und sprangen in die Fluten.“[3]

[1] "After a smoke break, Nikolai and the teenagers grabbed their swimwear out of the trunk and jumped into the floods" [3]

[1] „Unter der Badehose ist das Weiß von frischen Verbänden.“[4]

[1] "Under the trunks is the white of fresh associations at" [4]

Pictures or photos of Badehose

[1] Badehose
[1] Badehose