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Is it der, die or das Babysitter?



The correct article in German of Babysitter is der. So it is der Babysitter! (nominative case)

The word Babysitter is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

The noun babysitter is grammatically masculine, but can also describe female people to underline the female gender, the word form babysitter can also be used.

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German declension of Babysitter?

How does the declension of Babysitter work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Babysitter die Babysitter
Genitive des Babysitters der Babysitter
Dative dem Babysitter den Babysittern
Akkusative den Babysitter die Babysitter

What is the meaning of Babysitter in German?

Babysitter is defined as:

[1] Person, who mostly guard infants and toddlers in the absence of their parents

[1] Person, die Säuglinge und Kleinkinder in Abwesenheit ihrer Eltern meist gegen Bezahlung hütet

How to use Babysitter in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Babysitter with translations in English.

[1] Meine Schwester arbeitet als Babysitter.

[1] My sister works as a babysittere

[1] Mein Mann und ich brauchen morgen einen Babysitter für unseren achtjährigen Sohn, da wir am Abend ins Theater gehen wollen.

[1] My husband and I need a babysitter for our eight -year -old son tomorrow because we want to go to the theater in the evening

[1] Ich kann heute Abend nicht zur Feier kommen, weil ich keinen Babysitter bekommen habe.

[1] I can't come to the celebration this evening because I didn't get a babysitter

[1] „Die 43-Jährige ist keine Erzieherin, keine Nachhilfelehrerin, kein Babysitter, sondern Mandys Mentorin: jemand, der vor allem Zeit mit ihr verbringt, exklusiv und regelmäßig. „Eine Erweiterung des Beziehungsangebots“, so nennt Oliver Wenninger es.“

[1] "The 43-year-old is not a teacher, not a tutor, not a babysitter, but Mandy's mentor: someone who spends time with her, exclusively and regularly" an extension of the relationship offer, "says Oliver Wenninger."