Is it der, die or das Autor?

The correct article in German of Autor is der. So it is der Autor! (nominative case)
The word Autor is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
The weakly bent singular forms "of the authors", "the authors" and "the authors"
German declension of Autor?
How does the declension of Autor work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Autor | die Autoren |
Genitive | des Autors | der Autoren |
Dative | dem Autor | den Autoren |
Akkusative | den Autor | die Autoren |
What is the meaning of Autor in German?
Autor has various definitions in German:
[1] person who wrote one or more literary or scientific texts
[1] Person, die einen oder mehrere literarische oder wissenschaftliche Texte verfasst hat[2] Rare: author of a plant of music, film, art or photography
[2] seltener: Urheber eines Werks der Musik, des Films, der Kunst oder der Fotografie[3] Rare: person who does something or gives the occasion for something
[3] seltener: Person, die etwas bewirkt oder den Anlass zu etwas gibtHow to use Autor in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Autor with translations in English.
[1] Der Autor dieses Buches heißt Umberto Eco.
[1] The author of this book is called Umberto Ecoä[1] Bei Zitaten gibt man immer den Autor an.
[1] With quotations you always give the author ane[1] Zu der Talkshow waren drei Autoren eingeladen.
[1] Three authors were invited to the talk show[1] „Es ist die Aufgabe des Autors, die er niemandem abtreten kann, daß er – nach bestem Vermögen – dem Stoff jene Form gibt, die ihn zum Sprechen bringt.“
[1] "It is the task of the author that he cannot cede that he - to the best of our assets - gives the substance the shape that brings him to speak"[1] „Zunächst also zu dem, was der Autor persönlich über den Lebenslauf des Helden vorliegenden Buches weiß.“
[1] “First of all about what the author personally presented about the hero's curriculum vitae”[1] „Ich bin zwar tatsächlich Autor geworden, schreibe aber nicht auf Arabisch, sondern auf Deutsch.“
[1] "I have actually become an author, but I don't write in Arabic, but in German"[2] Kennst du den Autor dieser Fotografien?
[2] You know the author of these photographs[3]
[3]Pictures or photos of Autor
![[1] Der Autor Joscha Sauer gibt ein Autogramm.](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Joscha_sauer.jpg)