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Is it der, die or das Attacke?



The correct article in German of Attacke is die. So it is die Attacke! (nominative case)

The word Attacke is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Attacke?

How does the declension of Attacke work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Attacke die Attacken
Genitive der Attacke der Attacken
Dative der Attacke den Attacken
Akkusative die Attacke die Attacken

What is the meaning of Attacke in German?

Attacke has various definitions in German:

[1] (military) attack

[1] (militärischer) Angriff

[2] attacking an illness

[2] anfallartiges Auftreten einer Krankheit

How to use Attacke in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Attacke with translations in English.

[1] Die Spezialeinheit bereitete die Attacke gründlich vor.

[1] The special unit prepared the attack thoroughly

[1] „Wenige Jahre nach den ersten Attacken bedrohen die Wikinger weite Küstenstriche Europas.“

[1] "A few years after the first attacks, the Vikings threaten wide coastal lines Europe" "

[1] „Sie hatten die Attacke querfeldein geführt, waren durch Maschinengewehrfeuer von der tief gelegenen Straße und den Bauernhäusern her aufgehalten worden, waren dann im Ort auf keinerlei Widerstand gestoßen und hatten das Flussufer erreicht.“

[1] "They had led the attack across the country, were stopped by machine gun fire from the deep street and the farmhouses, then had no resistance in the village and had reached the river bank"

[1] „Die Attacke auf die von mindestens 400 schwer bewaffneten Soldaten bewachte Garnison scheiterte.“

[1] "The attack on the soldiers heavily armed by at least 400 Garrison Squirers"

[1] „Ihr Terror war entschlossener, besser organisiert und darum gefährlicher als die meisten anderen Attacken auf Flüchtlinge.“

[1] "Your terror was more determined, better organized and therefore more dangerous than most other attacks on refugees"

[2] Bevor er den Satz beenden konnte, wurde er von einer plötzlichen Hustenattacke unterbrochen.

[2] Before he was able to end the sentence, he was interrupted by a sudden cough attack