Is it der, die or das Arena?

The correct article in German of Arena is die. So it is die Arena! (nominative case)
The word Arena is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Arena?
How does the declension of Arena work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Arena | die Arenen |
Genitive | der Arena | der Arenen |
Dative | der Arena | den Arenen |
Akkusative | die Arena | die Arenen |
What is the meaning of Arena in German?
Arena is defined as:
[1] Location for competitions
[1] Schauplatz für WettkämpfeHow to use Arena in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Arena with translations in English.
[1] Sie kämpfen in der Arena.
[1] They fight in the arena[1] „In Portugal ist eine unblutige Form des Stierspiels populär, bei der alle Kämpfer die Arena lebend verlassen.“
[1] "In Portugal, an bloodless form of bull play is popular, in which all fighters leave the arena alive"[1] „Der spanische Opernstar Placido Domingo, der Mitte Juli nach der Behandlung einer Lungenembolie aus einem Madrider Krankenhaus entlassen worden ist, hat seine Termine als Sänger und Dirigent im Rahmen des Festivals für das 100-jährige Jubiläum der Arena von Verona bestätigt.“
[1] "The Spanish opera star Placido Domingo, who was released in mid-July after the treatment of pulmonary embolism from a Madrid hospital, has confirmed his appointments as a singer and conductor as part of the festival for the 100th anniversary of the Arena of Verona" "[1] „Die Stierkämpfe in Zaragoza waren viel schöner als die in Madrid, die Stiere wurden nicht durch Stricke gehalten, sondern liefen frei durch die Arena, und das Gemetzel war viel größer.“
[1] "The bullfights in Zaragoza were much nicer than those in Madrid, the bulls were not kept by rope, but ran freely through the arena, and the slaughter was much larger"Pictures or photos of Arena
![[1] überdachte Arena](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Veltins_Arena_T-Home_Cup.jpg)