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Is it der, die or das Applaus?



The correct article in German of Applaus is der. So it is der Applaus! (nominative case)

The word Applaus is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

The plural is rarely

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German declension of Applaus?

How does the declension of Applaus work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Applaus die Applause
Genitive des Applaus der Applause
Dative dem Applaus den Applausen
Akkusative den Applaus die Applause

What is the meaning of Applaus in German?

Applaus is defined as:

[1] Applications of applause, especially by clapping with the hands

[1] Beifallsbekundung, insbesondere durch Klatschen mit den Händen

How to use Applaus in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Applaus with translations in English.

[1] Als der Violinvirtuose sich mehrmals verneigte, wurde er mit Applaus überschüttet.

[1] When the violin virtuoso bowed several times, he was overwhelmed with applause

[1] „Also beschlossen wir, uns ebenfalls nicht lumpen zu lassen, gaben am Abend alles, was wir hatten, und bekamen am Ende unverhofft starken Applaus.“

[1] "So we decided not to be ragged either, gave everything we had in the evening, and in the end there was unexpectedly strong applause"

[1] „Der Applaus wurde noch heftiger.“

[1] "The applause was still violent"

[1] „Achtmal unterbricht der Applaus Lumumbas Ansprache.“

[1] "Eight times the applause of Lumumba's speech" interrupts "

[1] „Unter tosendem Applaus betrat eine Sopransängerin die Bühne.“

[1] "Under thunderous applause, a soprano entered the stage" "