Is it der, die or das Anruf?

The correct article in German of Anruf is der. So it is der Anruf! (nominative case)
The word Anruf is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Anruf?
How does the declension of Anruf work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Anruf | die Anrufe |
Genitive | des Anrufes des Anrufs | der Anrufe |
Dative | dem Anruf | den Anrufen |
Akkusative | den Anruf | die Anrufe |
What is the meaning of Anruf in German?
Anruf has various definitions in German:
[1] Contacting (or also trying it out) by phone
[1] das Kontaktieren (beziehungsweise auch der Versuch dessen) per Telefon[2] Loud statement with which one turns to someone
[2] laute Äußerung, mit der man sich an jemanden wendetHow to use Anruf in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Anruf with translations in English.
[1] Im Stadion war es so laut, dass ich einen wichtigen Anruf nicht mitbekommen habe.
[1] In the stadium it was so loud that I didn't notice an important call[1] „Der erste Anruf, den ich entgegennahm, kam von Herrn Jackopp.“
[1] "The first call I accepted came from Mr. Jackoppä"[1] „Sein Anruf erwischte mich noch im Bett.“
[1] "His call still caught me in the bed" "[1] „Der Lügen-Detektiv rief das Amt an, ließ feststellen, von wo der Anruf gekommen war.“
[1] "The lying detective called the office, stated where the call was coming from"[1] „Karl Emonds mußte ich ein Telegramm schicken und ihn um einen Anruf bitten.“
[1] "I had to send Karl Emonds a telegram and ask him for a call"[2] Hey, was machst du da! Er reagierte nicht auf den Anruf, sondern setzte seinen Weg fort.
[2] Hey, what do you do that he did not react to the call, but continued his way