Is it der, die or das Amtsantritt?

The correct article in German of Amtsantritt is der. So it is der Amtsantritt! (nominative case)
The word Amtsantritt is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Amtsantritt?
How does the declension of Amtsantritt work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Amtsantritt | die Amtsantritte |
Genitive | des Amtsantrittes des Amtsantritts | der Amtsantritte |
Dative | dem Amtsantritt dem Amtsantritte | den Amtsantritten |
Akkusative | den Amtsantritt | die Amtsantritte |
What is the meaning of Amtsantritt in German?
Amtsantritt is defined as:
[1] Starting of a public office
[1] Antritt eines öffentlichen AmtesHow to use Amtsantritt in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Amtsantritt with translations in English.
[1] Zum Amtsantritt unseres neuen Bürgermeisters gab es ein großes Fest.
[1] To take office of our new mayor there was a big festival[1] „Bei seinem Amtsantritt hatte Gabriel noch das gesamte Kabinett seines Vorgängers übernommen.“
[1] "When he took office, Gabriel had taken over the entire cabinet of his predecessor"[1] „In den Wochen seit dem Amtsantritt seines »Freundes« Trump ließ Israels Premier Netanjahu 6000 neue Wohnungen in den besetzten Gebieten genehmigen.“
[1] "In the weeks since his" friend "Trump took office, Israel's Premier Netanyahu had 6000 new apartments in the occupied areas of approval" "[1] „Seit Heydrichs Amtsantritt war das Leben für Juden im Protektorat ein Spießrutenlaufen.“
[1] "Since Heydrich's took office, life for Jews in the protectorate has been a gauntlet walk" "[1] „Nach 1972, dem Jahr des Amtsantritts von Erich Honnecker, verstärkte die DDR die Kontakte zu Polen.“
[1] "After 1972, the year of Erich Honnecker, the GDR strengthened contacts with Poland" "