Is it der, die or das Ami?
The correct article in German of Ami is der. So it is der Ami! (nominative case)
The word Ami is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 1
German declension of Ami?
How does the declension of Ami work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural 1 | Plural 2 |
Nominative | der Ami | die Amis | die Ami |
Genitive | des Amis des Ami | der Amis | der Ami |
Dative | dem Ami | den Amis | den Ami |
Akkusative | den Ami | die Amis | die Ami |
What is the meaning of Ami in German?
Ami has various definitions in German:
[1] colloquial: Soldier of the Armed Forces of the United States (especially in relation to World War II and, as a occupation soldier, in relation to the post -war years and the Cold War)
[1] umgangssprachlich: Soldat der Streitkräfte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (besonders in Bezug auf den Zweiten Weltkrieg und, als Besatzungssoldat, in Bezug auf die Nachkriegsjahre und den Kalten Krieg)[2] colloquial: Citizens of the United States of America
[2] umgangssprachlich: Staatsbürger der Vereinigten Staaten von AmerikaHow to use Ami in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Ami with translations in English.
[1] Die Amis sind doch alle gleich.
[1] The Americans are all the same[1] „Die Amis stehen nach unserem letzten Bericht vor Marburg und Wetzlar.“
[1] "According to our last report, the Americans stand in front of Marburg and Wetzlarä"[1] „Wir fordern: Schluß mit dem verbrecherischen Krieg der USA gegen das vietnamesische Volk! Amis, ’raus aus Vietnam!“
[1] "We are calling for: conclusion with the US criminal war against the Vietnamese Volk Amis,’ out of Vietnam! "[1] „Besser Sorgen beim Ami als die Sicherheit beim Iwan. Das sind doch Frauenschänder und Lumpen.“
[1] "Better to ensure that the AMI is better than the security at the IWANE are women and rags."[1] „Yue, der unverbesserliche Unternehmer, machte da weiter, wo er als Schwarzhändler und treuer Ehemann aufgehört hatte, und ich wandte mich wieder meinem neuen Hobby zu, nämlich nach lukrativen Geschäften mit Amis Ausschau zu halten.“
[1] "Yue, the incorrigible entrepreneur, continued where he had stopped as a black dealer and loyal husband, and I turned back to my new hobby, namely for lucrative business with Americans" to keep an eye out "[1] „Als die Amis kamen, entfernten sie alle Hakenkreuze, aber die schmiedeeisernen Fenstergitter an den Oberlichtern des Kellers haben sie vergessen.“
[1] "When the Americans came, they removed all swastika, but the wrought -iron window grilles on the skylights of the basement they forgot"[1] „Nun waren die Amis am Zug.“
[1] "Now the Americans were on the move"[2] „Nicht nur weil sie breiter sprechen, beim Sprechen oftmals sogar beinah singen, sind die Amis selbst für Briten nicht leicht zu verstehen.“
[2] "Not only because they speak wider, often even singing when speaking, the Americans are not easy for British even to understand"[2] „‚Ich finde es lustig‘, sagt die Ehefrau des Schweizer Botschafters, Shawne Fielding-Borer, dazu. ‚Denn normalerweise denken die Europäer doch immer, dass die Amis verklemmt sind.‘“
[2] "'I think it's funny', says the wife of the Swiss ambassador, Shawne Fielding-Borer, because the Europeans usually always think that the Americans are jammed. '" "Is it der, die or das Ami?
The correct article in German of Ami is die. So it is die Ami! (nominative case)
The word Ami is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
Context 2
German declension of Ami?
How does the declension of Ami work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Ami | die Amis |
Genitive | der Ami | der Amis |
Dative | der Ami | den Amis |
Akkusative | die Ami | die Amis |
What is the meaning of Ami in German?
Ami is defined as:
[1] colloquially: cigarette of a US brand, from US production
[1] umgangssprachlich: Zigarette einer US-amerikanischen Marke, aus US-amerikanischer ProduktionHow to use Ami in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Ami with translations in English.
[1] „Dazu guten Bohnenkaffee zu 10 Mark die Tasse, und der Ober hatte auch immer eine Packung ‚Amis‘ in der Tasche.“
[1] "In addition, good bean coffee to 10 marks the cup, and the upper always had a pack of 'Americans' in the tasque"[1] „Als das Kaltgetränk mit Schuß serviert wurde, erstand ich beim Kellner zehn Amis, bot Schwester Gertrud eine an, eine dem Kellner, der sie sich hinters Ohr steckte, und nahm, nachdem ich meiner Dame Feuer gegeben hatte, Oskars Bernsteinspitze hervor, um eine Camel bis knapp zur Hälfte zu rauchen.“
[1] “When the cold drink was served with a shot, I bought ten Americans at the waiter, Sister Gertrud offered one, one of the waiter, who was behind her ear, and after I had given my lady fire, Oskar's amber tip to smoke a camel up to almost half.[1] „Erst Anfang der siebziger Jahre gelang es dem Haus Neuerburg und seinem US-Management, mit der ‚Camel‘-Zigarette wieder Marktanteile zurückzugewinnen. Diese Marke war den Deutschen noch aus der Nachkriegszeit vertraut, aus den Jahren der Zigarettenwährung, als für eine ‚Stange Amis‘ noch fast alles zu haben war.“
[1] “It was only in the early 1970s that the House of Neuerburg and its US management succeeded with the 'Camel' cigarette to return. A 'pole amis' was still available. "[1] „Zwischendurch wieder ein hastiger Zug aus der Ami, in kurzen Abständen die Befunde, etwa ‚Sie haben ein Geschwür im Zwölffingerdarm‘ oder ‚an diesem Gelenk haben Sie Arthritis‘.“
[1] "A hastily train from the AMI in between, the findings at short intervals, such as' You have a ulcer in the duodenum 'or' On this joint you have arthritis ä"[1] „Eine Currywurst und eine Tasse echte Bohne, das warn, je nach Tageskurs, drei oder vier Amis.“
[1] "A currywurst and a cup of real bean, the warn, depending on the day course, three or four amisiot"Is it der, die or das Ami?
The correct article in German of Ami is der. So it is der Ami! (nominative case)
The word Ami is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 3
German declension of Ami?
How does the declension of Ami work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Ami | die Amis |
Genitive | des Ami | der Amis |
Dative | dem Ami | den Amis |
Akkusative | den Ami | die Amis |
What is the meaning of Ami in German?
Ami has various definitions in German:
[1] Octed: male person with whom you are in a friendly way that is close to you that you appreciate and love
[1] veraltet: männliche Person, mit der man freundschaftlich verbunden ist, die einem nahesteht, die man schätzt und liebt[2] colloquially outdated, otherwise scenic, often pejorative: someone who is false, unappealing, morally contemptuously perceptible person of disregarding people
[2] umgangssprachlich veraltend, sonst landschaftlich, oft abwertend: jemanden, den man als falsch, unsympathisch, moralisch verächtlich wahrnimmt; widerwärtiger MenschHow to use Ami in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Ami with translations in English.
[1] „Alſo iſt er ſchon da? Mein Freund! Mein alter Ami! …“
[1] "Al itss are one of the ones my friend my old Ami! ... ... "[2] mittelfränkisch: „Dat is ene fiese Ami.“
[2] Middle Franconian: "Dat is ene fiese amiä"[2] mittelfränkisch (ripuarisch: Kölsch): „Su ne fiesen Ami!“
[2] Middle Franconian (Ripuaric: Kölsch): "Su ne nasty amion"Is it der, die or das Ami?
The correct article in German of Ami is die. So it is die Ami! (nominative case)
The word Ami is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
Context 4
German declension of Ami?
How does the declension of Ami work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Ami | die Amis |
Genitive | der Ami | der Amis |
Dative | der Ami | den Amis |
Akkusative | die Ami | die Amis |
What is the meaning of Ami in German?
Ami is defined as:
[1] scenic family: word for the mother of the father or mother
[1] landschaftlich familiär: Kosewort für die Mutter des Vaters oder der MutterHow to use Ami in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Ami with translations in English.
[1] „‚Weißt du, was meine Ami jetzt sagen würde?‘ Carolin trat kräftig in die Pedale. ‚Was würde deine weise und komplett verrückte Großmutter denn wohl sagen?‘“
[1] "'' You know what my Ami say now dignified dignity, Carolin stepped hard into the pedale 'What would your way and completely crazy grandmother say?'" "Is it der, die or das Ami?
The correct article in German of Ami is der. So it is der Ami! (nominative case)
The word Ami is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 5
German declension of Ami?
How does the declension of Ami work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural | ||||
Nominative | (der) Ami | die Amis | ||||
Genitive | (des Ami) (des Amis) Amis | der Amis | ||||
Dative | (dem) Ami | den Amis | ||||
Akkusative | (den) Ami | die Amis | ||||
siehe auch: Grammatik der deutschen Namen |
What is the meaning of Ami in German?
Ami is defined as:
[1] Individual animal name for (small) dogs
[1] individueller Tiername für (kleine) HundeHow to use Ami in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Ami with translations in English.
[1] „Waͤhrend ich dieſes ſchreibe, ſteht hinter mir mein kleiner Mops und bellt — Schweig nur, Ami, dich hab’ ich nicht gemeint, denn du liebſt mich und begleiteſt deinen Herrn in Noth und Gefahr und wuͤrdeſt ſterben auf ſeinem Grabe, eben ſo treu wie mancher andere deutſche Hund, der in die Fremde verſtoßen, vor den Thoren Deutſchlands liegt und hungert und wimmert — […]“
[1] "Wahrend I grab it, it goes behind me my little pug and barks - silence only, ami, I didn't mean you, because you love me and accompany your Lord in the emergency and danger and thread on the grave, just ſo faithful like some other German dogs who joined the strangers, lies in front of the Thores of Deutschland and starves and whimpering - […] "[1] „Puffi kennt Ami ſchon ſeit längerer Zeit und er hat ſich ſchon recht befreundet mit mit dem lieben Pintſcherl der Frau Hofräthin.“
[1] "Puffi knows Ami ſon for a long time and he has been quite friends with the dear Pint body of Ms. Hofrätinä"Is it der, die or das Ami?
The correct article in German of Ami is der. So it is der Ami! (nominative case)
The word Ami is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 6
German declension of Ami?
How does the declension of Ami work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural | ||||
Nominative | (der) Ami | die Amis | ||||
Genitive | (des Ami) (des Amis) Amis | der Amis | ||||
Dative | (dem) Ami | den Amis | ||||
Akkusative | (den) Ami | die Amis | ||||
siehe auch: Grammatik der deutschen Namen |
What is the meaning of Ami in German?
Ami is defined as:
[1] male first name
[1] männlicher VornameHow to use Ami in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Ami with translations in English.
[1] „Jossi selbst, das ewige Kind, dem die Zunge breit im Mund hängt, wenn er denkt, ist umgeben von Toten, der Ziege Dizza, die sich an einem Seidenstrumpf zutode gefressen hat, und dem Truthahn Indik, dem es zur Hochzeit von Jossis Bruder Ami und der munteren Dassi an den Kragen ging.“
[1] “Jossi himself, the eternal child who hangs the tongue wide in the mouth when he thinks is surrounded by dead, the goat Dizza, who has eaten on a silk stocking, and the turkey indic, which it is at the wedding by Jossi's brother Ami and the cheerful thati on the collar gingä "Is it der, die or das Ami?
The correct article in German of Ami is die. So it is die Ami! (nominative case)
The word Ami is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
Context 7
German declension of Ami?
How does the declension of Ami work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural | ||||
Nominative | (die) Ami | die Amis | ||||
Genitive | (der Ami) Amis | der Amis | ||||
Dative | (der) Ami | den Amis | ||||
Akkusative | (die) Ami | die Amis | ||||
siehe auch: Grammatik der deutschen Namen |
What is the meaning of Ami in German?
Ami is defined as:
[1] Female first name
[1] weiblicher VornameHow to use Ami in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Ami with translations in English.
[1] „Anna ging zusammen mit ihrer Freundin Ami zu sich nach Hause.“
[1] "Anna went home with her friend Ami"