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Is it der, die or das Altstadt?



The correct article in German of Altstadt is die. So it is die Altstadt! (nominative case)

The word Altstadt is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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Context 1

German declension of Altstadt?

How does the declension of Altstadt work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Altstadt die Altstädte
Genitive der Altstadt der Altstädte
Dative der Altstadt den Altstädten
Akkusative die Altstadt die Altstädte

What is the meaning of Altstadt in German?

Altstadt is defined as:

[1] The oldest part of a city, provided that it (typically) was built before 1900 or has been rebuilt in a corresponding style

[1] der älteste Teil einer Stadt, sofern dieser (typischerweise) vor 1900 gebaut wurde oder in einem entsprechendem Stil wiederaufgebaut worden ist

How to use Altstadt in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Altstadt with translations in English.

[1] In der Altstadt von Prag gibt es Gebäude aus dem 14. Jahrhundert.

[1] In the old town of Prague there are buildings from the 14 people.

[1] Seit Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges hat Berlin keine Altstadt mehr.

[1] Since the end of the Second World War, Berlin has no old town more

[1] „Der Reiseführer setzte unbeirrt seine Tour fort, und bald darauf betraten wir die Altstadt von Kairo mit ihren vielen Kirchen.“

[1] "The travel guide continued his tour undeterred, and soon afterwards we entered the old town of Cairo with its many churches"

[1] „Es hat mich immer gewundert, dass die Neustadt so hieß, obwohl dort viel mehr alte und verfallene Häuser standen als in der Altstadt, die nach der Zerstörung größtenteils abgerissen und neu gebaut wurde. Eine neue Altstadt, funktional und uncharmant.“

[1] "It was always surprising that the new town was called that, although there were much more old and dilapidated houses there than in the old town, which was largely torn down and rebuilt after the destruction of a new old town, functional and uncharming."

[1] „Sie mündet in die Warschauer Altstadt, der man es ebenfalls nicht ansieht, daß sie nur vierzig Jahre alt ist.“

[1] "She flows into the Old Town Warsaw, which is also not seen that she is only forty years old"

[1] „Im Rahmen der BUGA entsteht hier ein attraktiver, großzügiger Landschaftspark, der einen Gegenpol zu dem regen Leben in der Altstadt bietet.“

[1] "As part of the Buga, an attractive, spacious landscape park is created here that offers a counterpoint to the lively life in the old town"

Is it der, die or das Altstadt?



The correct article in German of Altstadt is das. So it is das Altstadt! (nominative case)

The word Altstadt is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

The article is needed if "old town" in a certain quality, at a certain time or period as a subject or object in the sentence, is otherwise, i.e. usually, no article is used.

Context 2

German declension of Altstadt?

How does the declension of Altstadt work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative (das) Altstadt
Genitive (des Altstadt) (des Altstadts) Altstadts
Dative (dem) Altstadt
Akkusative (das) Altstadt

What is the meaning of Altstadt in German?

Altstadt is defined as:

[1] Place in Saarland, Germany

[1] Ort im Saarland, Deutschland

How to use Altstadt in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Altstadt with translations in English.

[1] Anne wurde in Altstadt geboren.

[1] Anne was born in the old town

Pictures or photos of Altstadt

[1] die Altstadt von Salzburg
[1] die Altstadt von Salzburg