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Is it der, die or das Altersgruppe?



The correct article in German of Altersgruppe is die. So it is die Altersgruppe! (nominative case)

The word Altersgruppe is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Altersgruppe?

How does the declension of Altersgruppe work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Altersgruppe die Altersgruppen
Genitive der Altersgruppe der Altersgruppen
Dative der Altersgruppe den Altersgruppen
Akkusative die Altersgruppe die Altersgruppen

What is the meaning of Altersgruppe in German?

Altersgruppe is defined as:

[1] Group of people of the same age/same age range

[1] Gruppe von Personen gleichen Alters/gleicher Altersspanne

How to use Altersgruppe in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Altersgruppe with translations in English.

[1] „Im Bereich des passiven Wortschatzes lagen die Werte für Jungen, zusammengefaßt in den untersuchten Altersgruppen von drei bis acht Jahren, höher.“

[1] "In the area of ​​the passive vocabulary, the values ​​for boys, summarized in the examined age groups of three to eight years, were higher" "

[1] „Er präsentiert in dem ausführlichen Wanderführer zum Niederrhein 50 Wanderungen, die für jede Altersgruppe geeignet sind.“

[1] "In the detailed hiking guide to the Lower Rhine, he presents 50 hikes that are suitable for every age group"

[1] „Die jungen Altersgruppen seien zudem fast vollständig vor einem tödlichen Verlauf der Krankheit geschützt.“

[1] "The young age groups are almost completely protected against a fatal course of the disease"

[1] „Die Zahl der Menschen dieser Altersgruppe in Einpersonenhaushalten stieg binnen 20 Jahren um 17 Prozent von 5,1 auf 5,9 Millionen, wie das Statistische Bundesamt am Mittwoch in Wiesbaden mitteilte.“

[1] "The number of people in this age group in one -person households rose by 17 percent from 5.1 to 5.9 million within 20 years, as the Federal Statistical Office announced on Wednesday in Wiesbaden"

[1] „Die britische Impfkommission hatte sich unlängst gegen ein routinemäßiges Impfangebot an diese Altersgruppe ausgesprochen.“

[1] "The British vaccination commission recently had spoken out against a routine vaccination offer to this age group"