Is it der, die or das Aktivist?

The correct article in German of Aktivist is der. So it is der Aktivist! (nominative case)
The word Aktivist is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Aktivist?
How does the declension of Aktivist work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Aktivist | die Aktivisten |
Genitive | des Aktivisten | der Aktivisten |
Dative | dem Aktivisten | den Aktivisten |
Akkusative | den Aktivisten | die Aktivisten |
What is the meaning of Aktivist in German?
Aktivist has various definitions in German:
[1] Dedicated, purposefully often socially or politically acting person
[1] engagierte, zielbewusst häufig gesellschaftlich oder politisch handelnde Person[2] Historical: State award, short form for activist of socialist work, working person in the GDR who performed the services that went beyond the norms and requirements
[2] historisch: staatliche Auszeichnung, Kurzform für Aktivist der sozialistischen Arbeit, werktätige Person in der DDR, die Leistungen erbracht hat, die über die Normen und Vorgaben hinausgingenHow to use Aktivist in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Aktivist with translations in English.
[1] Die Aktivisten fertigten Wahlplakate an.
[1] The activists made election posters ane[1] „Schon seit Wochen berichten Aktivisten, wie sie von der Polizei eingeschüchtert werden, in Form von Hausdurchsuchungen oder Vorladungen.“
[1] "For weeks, activists have been reporting how they are intimidated by the police in the form of house searches or preloading" "[1] „Bei den Luftangriffen der US-geführten Koalition gegen die Dschihadistengruppe Islamischer Staat (IS) in Syrien sind nach Angaben von Aktivisten schon mehr als 550 Menschen getötet worden.“
[1] "According to activists, more than 550 people have already been killed in the air strikes of the US-led coalition against the Islamic State (IS) group of Islamic State (IS) in Syria"[1] „In der Metropole Berlin gab es ähnliche Veranstaltungen, aber meist auf lokale Initiative von Aktivisten hin.“
[1] "In the metropolis of Berlin there were similar events, but mostly at the local initiative of activists" "[1] „Andere Aktivisten zünden im Bahnhof von Johannesburg eine Bombe, eine Frau stirbt.“
[1] "Other activists light a bomb in Johannesburg station, a woman dies"[2] In seinem Arbeitsleben war er bis 1989 dreimal Aktivist geworden.
[2] In his working life, he had become a activist three times until 1989