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Is it der, die or das Agenda?



The correct article in German of Agenda is die. So it is die Agenda! (nominative case)

The word Agenda is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Agenda?

How does the declension of Agenda work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Agenda die Agenden
Genitive der Agenda der Agenden
Dative der Agenda den Agenden
Akkusative die Agenda die Agenden

What is the meaning of Agenda in German?

Agenda has various definitions in German:

[1] List of things to be processed

[1] Liste abzuarbeitender Dinge

[2] Issue or book in which tasks or appointments are collected

[2] Heft oder Buch, in dem Aufgaben oder auch Termine gesammelt werden

[3] Austrian, in the plural, administration, politics, especially from an authority/institution: entirety of all matters to be done, activities, tasks, duties

[3] österreichisch, im Plural, Verwaltung, Politik, besonders von einer Behörde/Institution: Gesamtheit aller zu erledigenden Angelegenheiten, Tätigkeiten, Aufgaben, Pflichten

How to use Agenda in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Agenda with translations in English.

[1] Wir haben noch viel auf der Agenda.

[1] We still have a lot on the agenda

[1] „Die Agenda 2010, die das Land modernisierte und zum wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung führte, war nur möglich, weil Gerhard Schröder das Gezeter des linken Parteiflügels ignorierte.“

[1] "The Agenda 2010, which modernized the country and led to the economic upswing, was only possible because Gerhard Schröder Ignoriedee's tale party wing" "

[1] „Das macht es für ihn schwerer, die politische Agenda zu bestimmen.“

[1] "This makes it more difficult for him to determine the political agenda"

[1] „Altgediente Politprofis der Republikaner wollen Trumps Präsidentschaft nutzen, um ihre Agenda durchzudrücken.“

[1] "Long -serving political professionals of the Republicans want to use Trump's presidency to push through their agenda"

[2] Die Agenda ist voller Meetings.

[2] The agenda is full of meetings

[3] Etliche öffentliche Agenden der Vororte wurden im Rahmen der wirtschaftlichen Verschmelzung von der Stadt Wien übernommen.

[3] Several public agendas of the suburbs were taken over by the City of Vienna as part of the economic fusion