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Is it der, die or das After?



The correct article in German of After is der. So it is der After! (nominative case)

The word After is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of After?

How does the declension of After work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der After die After
Genitive des Afters der After
Dative dem After den Aftern
Akkusative den After die After

What is the meaning of After in German?

After is defined as:

[1] Exit opening of the intestine through which the feces leave the intestine

[1] Austrittsöffnung des Darms, durch welche der Kot den Darm verlässt

How to use After in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using After with translations in English.

[1] Wegen der Hygiene ist es erforderlich, sich den After sauber zu halten.

[1] It is necessary to keep the anus clean for reasons of hygiene

[1] „Mit Hilfe eines Blasebalges wurde dem Tier so viel Luft in den After gepumpt, bis er wie eine Boje auf den Wellen umherdümpelte.“[2]

[1] "With the help of a bellows, the animal was pumped so much air into the anus that it bobbed around like a buoy on the waves." [2]

[1] „Auf den im Katalog abgebildeten Stinkbomben-Schachteln ist ein Stinktier zu sehen, das einem Vagabunden in Angriffsstellung gegenübersteht, den Schweif hoch, das After in Front.“[3]

[1] "The stink bomb boxes shown in the catalog show a skunk facing a vagabond in an attacking position, with its tail up, its anus in front" [3]

[1] „Die »a tergo«-Position, das Benutzen des Afters als Scheide, war ähnlich wie der homosexuelle Analverkehr geächtet, auch er aus Gründen der unterbleibenden Fortpflanzung.“[4]

[1] "The" a tergo "position, the use of the anus as a vagina, was outlawed, similar to homosexual anal intercourse, and it was also outlawed for reasons of non-reproductive activity." [4]

[1] „Der vom Davit hängende Hai entleerte sich durch den After.“[5]

[1] "The shark hanging from the davit emptied itself through the anus." [5]