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Is it der, die or das Ackerland?



The correct article in German of Ackerland is das. So it is das Ackerland! (nominative case)

The word Ackerland is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Ackerland?

How does the declension of Ackerland work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Ackerland
Genitive des Ackerlands des Ackerlandes
Dative dem Ackerland dem Ackerlande
Akkusative das Ackerland

What is the meaning of Ackerland in German?

Ackerland is defined as:

[1] Agricultural soil

[1] landwirtschaftlich nutzbarer Boden

How to use Ackerland in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Ackerland with translations in English.

[1] Um die Dörfer herum ist viel Ackerland.

[1] There is a lot of arable land around the villages

[1] „Die Kulturlandschaft ist eindeutig vom Ackerland dominiert und unterscheidet sich damit deutlich von den stark bewaldeten Mittelgebirgsregionen.“

[1] "The cultural landscape is clearly dominated by arable land and thus clearly differs from the heavily forested low mountain range" "

[1] „Die Kelten siedelten dort, wo es fruchtbares Ackerland gab.“

[1] "The Celts settled where there was fertile arable land"

[1] „Er besprühe das Ackerland mit krebserregenden Pflanzenschutzmitteln, imprägniere die Saat bereits vorab mit Insektengift, und was dann noch an Bestäubern überlebe, werde von ihm mit Giften vollends niedergemacht.“

[1] "He sprays the arable land with carcinogenic crop protection agents, impregnate the seeds in advance with insect venom, and what still survive on pollares will be completely low with poisons"