Is it der, die or das Absage?

The correct article in German of Absage is die. So it is die Absage! (nominative case)
The word Absage is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Absage?
How does the declension of Absage work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Absage | die Absagen |
Genitive | der Absage | der Absagen |
Dative | der Absage | den Absagen |
Akkusative | die Absage | die Absagen |
What is the meaning of Absage in German?
Absage has various definitions in German:
[1] Notification that something planned does not come about
[1] Mitteilung, dass etwas Geplantes nicht zustande kommt[2] Closing word at an event
[2] Schlusswort bei einer Veranstaltung[3] refusal
[3] WeigerungHow to use Absage in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Absage with translations in English.
[1] Zu unserer geplanten Reise muss ich dir leider eine Absage erteilen.
[1] For our planned trip, I unfortunately have to give you a cancellation[1] „Für die Organisatoren, die Vortragenden aber auch für die Besucher dürfte die Absage der Chemnitzer Linux-Tage schmerzlich sein.“
[1] "For the organizers, the lecturers but also for visitors, the cancellation of the Chemnitz Linux Days should be painful"[2] Der Sprecher gab sich mit der Absage keine besondere Mühe.
[2] The speaker did not give himself a special effort with the cancellation