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Is it der, die or das Abiturient?



The correct article in German of Abiturient is der. So it is der Abiturient! (nominative case)

The word Abiturient is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Abiturient?

How does the declension of Abiturient work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Abiturient die Abiturienten
Genitive des Abiturienten der Abiturienten
Dative dem Abiturienten den Abiturienten
Akkusative den Abiturienten die Abiturienten

What is the meaning of Abiturient in German?

Abiturient is defined as:

[1] Education: A student who has completed or already completed the Abitur

[1] Bildung: ein Schüler, der das Abitur absolviert oder bereits absolviert hat

How to use Abiturient in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Abiturient with translations in English.

[1] Viele Abiturienten entschließen sich, ihre Ausbildung mit einem Studium fortzusetzen.

[1] Many high school graduates decide to continue their training with a degree

[1] „Der Abiturient kann's nicht mehr hören.“

[1] "The high school graduate can no longer hear it"

[1] „Jedes Jahr, wenn die Arbeiter ihren 1. Mai feiern, feiern auch die Abiturienten wieder ihren Schulabschluss.“

[1] "Every year, when the workers celebrate their 1st May, the high school graduates celebrate their school leaving certificate again."

[1] „Für Abiturienten gilt meistens noch die Sonderregelung, daß sie bis zum sechsten Semester neben den üblichen Praktika eine sechswöchige fachpraktische Ausbildung nachweisen müssen.“

[1] "For high school graduates, the special regulation usually applies that they have to prove a six -week practical training in addition to the usual internships by the sixth semester"

[1] „Je älter und selbständiger der Abiturient wird, desto mehr kann er am öffentlichen Lebens Frankfurts teilnehmen.“

[1] "The older and self -employed the high school graduate, the more he can take part in the public life of Frankfurt"