Is it der, die or das Abitur?

The correct article in German of Abitur is das. So it is das Abitur! (nominative case)
The word Abitur is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
The plural of the Substantiv graduation is rarely
German declension of Abitur?
How does the declension of Abitur work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Abitur | die Abiture |
Genitive | des Abiturs | der Abiture |
Dative | dem Abitur | den Abituren |
Akkusative | das Abitur | die Abiture |
What is the meaning of Abitur in German?
Abitur has various definitions in German:
[1] Education, Germany: Final examination at a secondary school
[1] Bildung, Deutschland: Abschlussprüfung an einer höheren Schule[2] Education, Germany: Highest general education, entitled to university degree
[2] Bildung, Deutschland: höchster allgemeinbildender Schulabschluss, der zum Hochschulstudium berechtigtHow to use Abitur in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Abitur with translations in English.
[1] Klaus hat sein Abitur gerade so geschafft.
[1] Klaus has made his high school graduation[1] „Mario wollte Abitur oder mindestens eine Lehrstelle als Kfz-Mechaniker, aber plötzlich blühte ihm eine Karriere als Betonbauer, Zerspaner oder Facharbeiter für Umformtechnik.“[2]
[1] "Mario wanted to do his Abitur or at least an apprenticeship as a car mechanic, but suddenly a career as a concrete worker, machinist or skilled worker for forming technology blossomed ."[2][1] „Eines Tages 1951, also ein Jahr vor dem Abitur meiner Klasse, wurden wir in die Aula zusammengetrommelt.“[3]
[1] "One day in 1951, so a year before the highlight of my class, we were driven into the auditorium" [3][2] Ihre Schwester hat kein Abitur.
[2] Your sister has no high school[2] Ohne Abitur kann man hier nicht studieren.
[2] Without high school, you can not study here[2] „Nach dem Abitur zog Andreas nach Worms, um in einem Krankenhaus seinen Zivildienst anzutreten.“[4]
[2] "After graduation, Andreas moved to Worms to start his civil service in a hospital" [4][2] „Nach dem Abitur ging ich auf eine Theaterschule.“[5]
[2] "After graduation, I went to a theater school at" [5][2] „So streunte ich ein Jahr lang nach dem Abitur durchs Leben.“[6]
[2] "So I strayed through life for a year after graduating from high school."[6]