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Is it der, die or das ARD?



The correct article in German of ARD is die. So it is die ARD! (nominative case)

The word ARD is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of ARD?

How does the declension of ARD work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die ARD
Genitive der ARD
Dative der ARD
Akkusative die ARD

What is the meaning of ARD in German?

ARD has various definitions in German:

[1] Germany, radio: Working group of public service broadcasters in the Federal Republic of Germany

[1] Deutschland, Rundfunk: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

[2] Germany, television: colloquially, spa, acronym: for the first television program of the ARD

[2] Deutschland, Fernsehen: umgangssprachlich, Kurzwort, Akronym: für das erste Fernsehprogramm der ARD

How to use ARD in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using ARD with translations in English.

[1] Derzeit besteht die ARD aus insgesamt neun Landesrundfunkanstalten.

The ARD currently consists of a total of nine state broadcasters

[1] „Sie dürfen auch nicht in die Programmautonomie von ARD und ZDF eingreifen.“

[1] "You are also not allowed to intervene in ARD and ZDF's program autonomy"

[2] Hast du gestern Abend den Krimi auf ARD gesehen?

[2] Did you see the thriller on ARD last night

[2] „Die ARD hat das alles gefilmt und eine unglückliche Passage daraus ausgestrahlt.“

[2] "The ARD filmed all of this and broadcast an unfortunate passage from it"

Pictures or photos of ARD

[1] ARD-Hauptstadtstudio
[1] ARD-Hauptstadtstudio